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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nutrition 2012

Loreto NHS supports the Nutrition Month Celebration Culmination of LGU Loreto.

a. Healthy Baby Contest
b. Baby Crawlathon Contest
c. Nutrition Display & Tabo-Tabo sa Barangay: care of Punong Barangay

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

MDRRMC leads earthquake drill, safety

Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (LDRRMC) led the earthquake drill and safety of the high school students and the teachers at the LNHS campus to prevent anybody from getting hurt in real situations and some police officers of the locality.
The safety awareness was sponsored by the Science Department under Mrs. Elisema S. Ticmon’s supervision.

Safety drills were done twice this school year with July 29th as the first attempt as the local government was very much concerned of the students and the teacher’s safety on real calamity situations.

LNHS champions again—DSPC 2011

Four out of ten student-journalists who competed with among the seven districts of the Division of Dinagat Islands brought our school’s name to the top as it was declared Champion for the second time in the Secondary- English Category. Below are the names of the student-journalists with the corresponding events they won from.

1st Place Feature Writing
English Category
1st  Place News Writing
English Category

4th Place Feature Writing
English Category
5th Place Sports News Writing
English Category

3rd  Place Copy Reading & HW
English Category
3rd Place Feature Writing
English Category

This achievement gave us the thrill to compete for the Regional Schools Press Conference to be held in Agusan del Norte National High School, Butuan City on October 27-28, 2011.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

LNHS teachers implement 5S system

Alma B. Israel, Secondary School Principal I of  the Loreto  National High School deeply explained to her teachers the importance and the benefits of implementing the 5S system in all the teacher’s’ daily  routine as this helps organize not only office stuffs but also personal properties in the home.

Five S is the systemized approach to organize work areas, keeping rules and standards and maintain discipline needed to do a good job.

These terms were adopted from the Japanese  language  SEIRE (sort), SEITON (systemize), SEISO (sweep), SEIKETSO (standardize), and SHITSUKE (self-discipline).

Right after the discussion on the 5S system on January 20, 2012 at the principal’s office, Israel ordered the immediate implementation of the 5S habit by all of the teachers in her supervision.

A few teachers reacted of the order, yet Israel considered everyone as the 5S habit needed also some practice until it could become a routine to all the teachers concerned.

“5S habit prevents lots of work and waste of time,” Israel encouraged her teachers which all gave her a big nod .

PNP backs up Dep-Ed

PNP Department headed by PS/IN Dionelle E. Brannon backs up Loreto National High School sending officers to the campus to assist on different programs by the DepEd.
 The said office sent two officers PO1 Johann R. Curro and PO1 Rosa C. Dasmariñas to conduct an exam in the first year section Sapphire as Classroom Adviser Darlene S. Polistico left for a 1-day sick leave.
Furthermore , the said police officers took turns in visiting the campus to check once in a while the safety of the students.
In September to October 2010, PO1 Curro and party trained the PMT officers  silent drill that was presented during the annual celebtration of the US Armed Forces’  landing at Sitio Campintac, Barangay Panamaon, Loreto, Dinagat Islands on October 17,2010
LoretoNHS family was and is very grateful of the PNP department’s full support to the public high school.

LNHS - seat of Metrobank MTAP challenge

 January 18, 2012. Loreto NHS hosted the  Metrobank MTAP cluster examination from the different municipal and barangay high schools from the districts of  Albor, Tubajon, and Loreto with three contestants for each year level.
Shown below is the final result.
* Over-all champion—Plaridel NHS
* 1st place        – Loreto NHS
* 2nd place       - Mabini NHS
* 3rd place        - Tubajon NHS
* 4th place - Albor NHS
* 5th place - Loreto Academy
* 6th place - Osmeña NHS
* 7th place - San Jose NHS
* 8th place - Liberty NHS
* 9th place - Panamaon NHS

Israel returns to where she belongs

“I am so glad that I’m finally back home to my father”, Mrs. Alma B. Israel, the former school head of the Loreto National High school from June 1990 to July 2003  earnestly said after being ordered to return home to Loreto district serving eight years in other public high schools around the Division of Dinagat Islands.

Mrs. Israel was called to work for Plaridel NHS, Dinagat School of Fisheries, and Tubajon NHS after a certain promotion from  school head to principalship  in 2007.
While being away from her beloved hometown, Mrs. Israel  enjoyed working and serving the people she were and are obliged to work with.
Now, that she is back, she remained committed to work much better with the same people under her supervision leaving them legacies  these stakeholders would never forget even after her retirement a couple of years away.
The LNHS family  was glad and proud to have her back as Israel assumed to duty for Loreto National High School on May 16, 2011 per Div. Order  signed by SDS Josita B. Carmen.

Loreto honors 113th year independence

"A nation is born into freedom on the day when such a people, molded into a nation by a process of cultural evolution and sense of oneness born of common struggle and suffering, announces to the world that it asserts its natural right to liberty and is ready to defend it with blood, life, and honor," said Diosdado Macapagal Former President of the Philippines on his speech during the first celebration of the Philippine Independence day.
Another fruitful year for every Filipino to remember his freedom and how his ancestors have fought and suffered to protect his beloved country has been endowed this year. By this, Loretoneos waved the banner to confirm their joyous victory. Patriotic songs and dances were presented to perfect the 135th celebration.

FUN RUN 2012

The Department of Education (DepEd) has announced that a simultaneous national fun run is set to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal where instead of the participants shelling out a registration fee, they will be given a chance to donate school materials and volunteer their time for education-related activities.

With theme, "Every Runner, a Finisher; Every Finisher, a Winner," Education Secretary Armin Luistro said that the national fun run for education  will be conducted simultaneously on June 19 throughout the country with the participants’  choice of 1-kilometer or 2-kilometer walk or run.

"This activity will provide an opportunity for education stakeholders in the community to unite and manifest love for country," Luistro said. "By directly giving resources and time for education we are actually honoring our national hero and helping our country."

The participants to the fun run were asked to accomplish a pledge form to signify support to schools. "The completed forms will be submitted to the local registration committee one week prior to the activity," Luistro explained.

The DepEd chief added that the pledges or actual donations will be accounted for and turned over to the schools. Manila Bullletin—04.21.11
"A nation is born into freedom on the day when such a people, moulded into a nation by a process of cultural evolution and sense of oneness born of common struggle and suffering, announces to the world that it asserts its natural right to liberty and is ready to defend it with blood, life, and honor," said Diosdado Macapagal Former President of the Philippines.

The Rural Health Unit in Loreto conducted a symposium on Anti-Smoking and Anti-Drug campaign to the LoNaHiSconian this school year 2012-2013. The said orientation is spearheaded by Dra. Primrose Makinano, MD with her DOLE Nurses and staff of RHU - Loreto done at Loreto Municipal Gym.

Photojournalism: Tips on how to do a shot

l  Be Confident
        How you treat your subjects/objects
        Any aspects of photography that time will allow

l  Understand Why You Are There
        Know how exposure works.
        How to shoot with effective composition
        Have enough knowledge and skill to produce great photos

l  Get Your Setting Down
        Adjust camera (unit/s)
        Memorize exposure settings
        Learn how to improvise 

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taken during the 5th DINAGAT DIVISION ANNIVERSARY at Albor District, Dinagat Islands, Philippines



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